Obtaining the cards: If you were lucky enough to come across three different exchange cards while collecting 1995-96 Skybox basketball cards, you could redeem them for the 1995-96 Skybox Premium Lottery Exchange set. These exchange cards were placed into Series One packs at an overall rate of 1:40. Factor in the fact that you needed to find all three exchange cards, and you can see that this set wasn’t so simple to get. The fine print on the back of the exchange cards places odds for completing the task, or winning by an optional postcard entry, at 1:220 The deadline for the exchange was June 15, 1996. You would later receive the set in an envelope similar to the one pictured below.
The Set: The set included a header card showing a set’s serial number out of 25,000 and thirteen cards featuring the first thirteen picks in the 1995 draft. They came in a plain plastic wrapper. The number at which a player was selected in the draft is featured prominently on the front as well as being subtly mixed into the full-bleed background. The highlight is the #5 Kevin Garnett rookie card, but others stars are featured as well including
Joe Smith, Damon Stoudamire, and Bryant Reeves.
The Cards:
- 1995-96 Skybox Premium Lottery Exchange #5 Kevin Garnett
- 1995-96 Skybox Premium Lottery Exchange #12 Cherokee Parks

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