We have two ’94-95 Jam Session cards in our video collection, two commons, but this is our first ’93-94 Jam Session card. It’s the Tim Hardaway from one of the insert sets called GameBreakers, card number “2 of 8” as it says on the reverse. The set consisted of eight top scorers. The set and player name are printed on the front in gold foil.
A reminder that ’93-94 Jam Session were the first tall boy cards in basketball collecting since 1969-70 Topps. We have a video of the Jerry West from that set if you’re interested. Tall boys are 2 1/2″ x 4 11/16″ cards. It’s very close to adding another third of a standard card length (more like 35%, but a third will do). When Topps returned to basketball cards in 1969-70, they chose this size for two seasons. So after ’70-71 Topps, it wasn’t until this ’93-94 Jam Session that basketball collectors saw tall boys again.
Very fun design here! What says ’90’s more than a digital background of swirling bright pink and digitally produced grid? Who among us wouldn’t choose bright pink against the blue and gold of the Warriors uniform! All kidding aside, let’s see what we have on the back… Most of the reverse is dedicated to a close up of the player. But what makes or breaks an insert card for me is the information. Many inserts give a bunch of flowery language with no substance, but these are good cards. We learn that Hardaway was actually the only player in the league in ’92-93 to average more than 20 points and more than 10 assists per game and there have only been four players to do that in consecutive seasons. Magic Johnson did it…more recently, Russell Westbrook did it… Still a great stat!
Nice card to add to the collection, that’s all for today! Some ’90’s card design and one of the first tall boy insert cards in basketball collecting. There were four insert sets you could find in these ’93-94 Jam Session packs. These GameBreakers were 1:4 packs by the way. All four insert sets had these odds, since you were getting one insert card in every pack.
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