Advertising Techniques – Two-Way Corporate Personification

No need to waste time discussing mascots as corporate personification…Aflac duck, Ronald McDonald, Trix Rabbit, etc.  But there are subtleties to the Geico Gecko worth noting. Observe the statement that this iconic character “…hasn’t been working nearly that long, but he’s certainly been helping establish…” [1]one location being the April 26, 2010 edition of Forbes,…

iTunes – The most basic of explanations…

Under Construction, Version for PC The Main Button: In the upper, left-hand corner, you will see three buttons in a row.  One is an arrow pointing left, the other an arrow pointing right, and a third rectangular one with two small arrows pointing up and down printed on its right side.  This button selects among…

Quelling the Misguided Human Desire for Freedom (Joy in Structure)

It’s not a new idea that as humans gain experience in any activity (or life in general), they eventually realize that clear structure and regulation allows for maximum productivity and, yes, even creativity.    Artists initially approaching their craft ready to break all rules and conventions eventually develop self-imposed restrictions to spark creative energy.  An unattended…